Get a free Minecraft cape
Fabulously Optimized supports capes from Mojang, OptiFine, MinecraftCapes mod, LabyMod, Wynntils and Cosmetica.
Instructions for a free cape
Open Minecraft with Fabulously Optimized installed
Look at your cape! Everyone with Fabulously Optimized or MinecraftCapes mod installed will see it.
"Update your mod"
Unfortunately MinecraftCapes updated their servers, which causes this message to appear on users' capes in older versions of FO. Here are your options, pick one:
Update Fabulously Optimized to latest version - the easiest and best solution.
Remove Capes and install MinecraftCapes instead - fixes the message, but you'll lose out on other providers like OptiFine capes.
Disable MinecraftCapes support - gets rid of the message, but also this provider's capes in general (you can no longer use the free cape instructions above).
Remove Capes and install Cosmetica - fixes the message and keeps other providers, but the experience can highly vary from FO defaults, so it is recommended to configure the mod to suit your needs.
Fabulously Optimized does not host any capes or other cosmetics, nor does it encourage users to buy them from any provider. Instead, the modpack encourages users to prefer free cosmetics, while also giving them options to use any paid cosmetics they've previously obtained from certain providers.
Last updated