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Welcome to the Fabulously Optimized wiki! 🌐 Read in your language
📜 List of included mods (🇴🇫 OptiFine alternatives), 🎛️ changed options and 🐞 fixed bugs
How to ⬇️ Install | 🆕 Update (reset options) | ➕ Add mods | ➖ Remove mods | 🗑️ Backup and uninstall
Get a 🦸 Cape | 🌅 Shaders | 🖼️ Resource packs to work
How does the modpack work in 🍦 Vanilla launcher | 🔃 MultiMC (auto-update) | 🔢 across Minecraft versions
How is the pack built: 🔣 Goals and principles (why use Fabric?) | ♿ Accessibility | 💡 Facts and trivia on FTB Wiki
You can help by ❤️ Supporting the pack | ✍️ Translating to your language
Additional tips about 📈 Improving performance | 🗄️ Server setup | 🚨 Player Reporting
Couldn't find the answer? 💬 Chat with us on Discord!
Did you know that the official Minecraft Wiki has moved? Check it out: minecraft.wiki
Last updated